Mortgage Refinancing Residential Conventional, FHA, and VA loans

Servicing Pennsylvania

If you are currently paying more than 7.75% on your current mortgage, you should consider refinancing to a lower rate. It is not unusual to cut $50 to $150 or more of your monthly mortgage payment, and many homeowners can cut 5 or 10 years off the pay out while keeping the new payment about the same as the old payment. This could equate to a savings of anywhere from $20,000 to over $100,000. Equity loans of up to 100% of value can give you cash to pay off bills, pay taxes, make home improvements, or pay off credit cards. Remember; Interest paid on a mortgage is tax deductible, on credit cards, it is not.

Please feel free to call. We will calculate the savings of a new 30, 25, 20, 15 & 10 year mortgage, compare it to your current loan, and show the savings possible both monthly and long term.

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