
The AONA Preceptorships program has been very well received and will undoubtedly continue to grow in 1998. Guidelines and applications for the three available preceptorships are in your User's Manual (fellowship section) or are available through the AO North America office. They are:

1. AO North America Visiting Professorship Program (Invite an AO Expert)

This program, which has been widely utilized since its inception in late 1996, provides the financial capability for a hospital to invite one of the senior AO Faculty members (orthopaedic trauma/ spine/maxillofacial or veterinary) as a Visiting Professor. The format for the Visiting Professorship can be any length of time using formats of training, such as lectures, workshops, x-ray conferences or a combination of these. Foreign AO faculty may also be invited. A grant from AONA will be made to the host institution. Amount of the grant is $3,000 for a North American, $6,000 for a Visiting Professor from overseas.

2. AO North America Basic Fracture Management Preceptorship

This preceptorship is intended to provide a senior-level Resident with an in-depth period of training in the basic management of fractures, at a recognized AO North America center or with a surgeon member of AO North America. This will provide the resident with a oneon-one relationship with a practicing AO traumatologist so that the individual will gain a deeper insight into the management of fractures. This preceptorship is not meant to replace a Trauma fellowship, but rather to provide the individual with a more in-depth study so that he/she may better practice care. Available to PGY4 or 5 residents; each preceptorship will be funded up to $3,000 to support this training experience.

3. AO North America Trauma and Fracture Care Traveling Preceptorships

This preceptorship was created for the practicing physician to improve or refine his/her skills at an AO Center, under the guidance of an AONA member. This preceptorship should involve a minimum of 4 weeks training in an AO Center, with funding available of $5,000 to support living expenses, etc. for each preceptorship.

4. AONA Resident Research Project Support Program

Realizing how difficult it can be for surgical residents to gain approval and funding for small research projects, AO North America provides a Resident Research Project Support program. This program will fund (up to $5,000) worthwhile individual research projects initiated by residents in the orthopaedic, maxillofacial and veterinary specialties. Guidelines and application forms for this program are available through the AO NorthAmerica office.