Refinancing of Residential Real Estate in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

If you are currently paying more than 7.00% on your current mortgage, you should consider refinancing to a lower rate.

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Why refinance?

Let's examine some scenarios:

Lowering the Monthly Payment Over the Life of Your Loan

Reducing the Amount of Time It Takes To Pay Off Your Loan

Putting the Equity in Your Home To Work For You

It is not unusual to cut $50 to $150 or more of your monthly mortgage payment, and many homeowners can cut 5 or 10 years off the pay out while keeping the new payment about the same as the old payment. This could equate to a savings of anywhere from $20,000 to over $100,000 over the life of the loan. Equity loans of up to 100% of value can give you cash to pay off bills, pay taxes, make home improvements, or pay off credit cards. Remember, interest paid on a mortgage is tax deductible, on credit cards, it is not.

Please feel free to contact us. We will calculate the savings of a new 30, 20, 15 & 10 year mortgage, compare it to your current loan, and show the savings possible both monthly and long term.

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