Carole Spada
As a REALTOR®, Carole has been trained to understand the real estate
profession. And as an employee for
organizations such as The Easter Seal Society, The Pennsylvania Association
for Retarded Children (PARC),
The Overbrook School for the Blind and Southern Home for Children,
she has learned to address the needs and
concerns of families. Her work with Lankenau Hospital and Mercy
Hospital and The Leader Nursing Home, all in
Pennsylvania, equips her to further synthesize family needs and conditions
with their lifestyles and environment.
In fact, it was Carole's love of family life an values that stimulated and
inspired her transition into real estate.
Carole's compassionate and reflective spirit is only part of the Carole Spada story.
In fact, it was Carole's fame as a "regular" dancer on the Dick Clark "American
Bandstand" show that brought her together with the love of her life, her husband
of more than 30 years, Richard.
Carole and Richard have a daughter Andrea amd three precious grandchildren.
Her association with Dick Clark tapped into yet another skill and talent
of Carole's: writing and producing. She has been a member of the American
Federation of Television and Radio Artists since 1976 and collaborated on a
documentary film "Bandstand Days", produced for PBS as a fundraiser. A guest
on numerous television programs, including Oprah Winfrey, Carole currently is
working on a project for the American History Museum
in Harrisburg, PA (a division of the Smithsonian Institute), assemblying
archival material from the legendary "Bandstand" show and era for a special
millenium exhibit.
Carole believes in the American Dream - she has lived it in so many ways. Now she
wants to share your hopes
and dreams. Call her at CENTURY 21 Absolute Realty, 527
Baltimore Pike, Springfield,
Pennsylvania, 19064. Phone: (610) 328-4300 ext.# 136.
Office: 610-328-4300 x136
Carole's diverse background and ten years of experience in the fields of health
and human service agencies,
enables her to relate to just about anybody, making her the perfect agent to speak
to when you are considering a new home.
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