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ARTIST PROFILE - Lorraine Raywood

Selected Works (Click on the thumbnail for larger photo)

Generic Homes & Gardens or Suburban Sprawl, Why They All Gotta Be 
Title: Generic Homes & Gardens or "Suburban Sprawl, Why They All Gotta Be Beige?"
Date: 2002
Medium: Digital Photography and Wood

Raywood is best known for combining photography and painting, printing a series of photographs on d'arches treated with photographic emulsion. As a painter she is concerned with color, energy and plastic quality. In the past Raywood has exposed and exorcised childhood taboos, and explored intimate memories, making serendipitous discoveries in her search. Earlier Raywood explored the archetypal feminine in the form of the Three Graces and their place in contemporary culture.

Recently she concentrates on social  and environmental issues. In her 2000 exhibit "An Ounce of Prevention" she chose assemblage to comment on the need for reproductive responsibility. Most recently she collaborated with her husband, woodworker, Doug Bollinger, together they produced an installation commenting on suburban sprawl. The focal point of the exhibit was an 8' X 4' X 6' house with hundreds of digital photographs of individual homes recently built in our area. The work reflects minimalist and pop influences, impacting the viewer as one is overwhelmed by the homes' similarities.

Raywood, studied with Walter Rosenblum, Mel Liepzig and Lois Dodd. Her awards include NJ State Council on the Arts and Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Fellowships. She is the Commercial Art teacher at Mercer County Technical School in Pennington, NJ, has shown extensively and her work is included in many private and public collections.

60 NORTH 2ND STREET, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

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