Helen H.
Vogelbacker, Ph.D.
1977 - 1982 |
University of Pennsylvania
Major: Microbiology |
1973 - 1977 |
Pennsylvania State University
Major: Microbiology |
1994 -
Present |
Polyprobe Inc.
Philadelphia PA
Thor Nilsen, President |
1989 - 1993 |
Department of Neurology
University- of Pennsylvania
Dr. John Kamholz |
1988 - 1994 |
Scientist Consultant
Biotechnology Training Institute
New Brunswick NJ |
1988 - 1989 |
Department of Microbiology
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Joseph Gols |
1984 - 1988 |
Department of Biology
University of Pennsylvania |
1984 - 1986 |
Department of Surgical Research
University of Pennsylvania |
Honors & Awards:
- Research Fellowship, 1978 -
1981, N.I.H. Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of Pennsylvania
- Research Assistantship,
1977-1978, University of Pennsylvania
- Graduated with Honors,
Pennsylvania State University, 1977.
- Ling S., Vogelbacker H.,
Restifo L, Matson T., and Kozinski A.:
Partial replication of ultraviolet (UV)
irradiated T4 bacteriophange DNA results in
amplification of specific genetic areas. J.
Virol. 40: 403-410, 1981
- Vogelbacker H., and Ling, S.:
Evidences of the conversion of
bromodeoxyuridine incorporated into T4
bacteriophage DNA to uracil; upon irradiation
with UV (260 nm) and the biological
consequences of this effect. Fed. Proc 40:
(6) 1764, 1981
- Restifo L. Vogelbacker It Ling
S. Madera T., and Kozinski A.: The effects of
UV-irradiation on the fate of
5-bromodeoxyuridine-labeled T4 bacteriophage
DNA. J. Virol 47: 151-170, 1983
- Kozinski A., Vogelbacker H.,
and Kozinski S.: In vivo replication and
recombination of bacteriophage T4 DNA. Acta
Microbiologica Polonica 35: 111-161, 1986
- Flannigan K., Hennigan S.,
Vogelbacker H., Gots J., and Smith J.: Purine
biosyntheses in Escherichia coli K-12;
Structure and DNA sequence studies of The pur
HD locus. Molecular Microbiology 4:381-392.,
- Kamholz J., Sessa M., Scherer
S., Vogelbacker H., Behrman T., Mokuno K.,
Baron P., Warbetz L.: Shy M., and Pleasure
D.: Structure and expression of proteolipid
protein in the peripheral nervous system J.
Neurosci Res. 31: 231-244, 1992
- Scherer S., Vogelbacker H.,
and Kamholz J.: Axons modulate the expression
of proteolipid protein in the CNS. J.
Neurosci Res. 32: 138-148. 1992
- Feltri M., Scherer S., Nemni
R-, Kamholz J., Vogelbacker R. S -wit M.,
Canal N., Quaranta V., and Wrabetz L.: Beta 4
integrin expression in myelinating Schwann
cells is polarized developmentally regulated
and axonally dependent. Development, 120(5).
1287-301, 1994
- Vogelbacker H., Grayzel J.,
and Nilsen T.: Dendrimer Signal Enhancement
for Detection of HIV Sequence Poster
presentation @ The San Diego Conference; The
Genetic Revolution, San Diego CA, 1994
Published in Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 40, No.
12, 1994
- Nilsen.W., VogelbackerH.H.,
Getts R.C., Tian., Grayzel J.: Dendrimer
Signal Enhancement in Blot Assays Poster
presentation @ The American Association of
Clinical Chemists national meeting, Chicago
IL July 1996-, published in Clinical
Chemistry 42(6)S202, 1996,
- Vogelbacker H., Scherer S.,
and Kamholz J.: Altered patterns of myelin
gene expression in tied rats, jimpy and
shiverer mice. In preparation for Journal of
Neuroscience Research .1997
- Vogelbacker H., Getts R., Tian
N., Labaczewski R., and Nilsen T.: DNA
Dendrimers: Assemby and Signal Amplification.
Presented @ American Chemical Society
Meeting, April 1997