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By completing this section you authorize SCOTT MILNE to obtain a credit report in your name for mortgage application purposes only. The RESPA Act prohibits lenders from distributing credit reports to any third party.
There will be a $300.00 application fee required to begin the final processing of your paperwork. To lock in or establish your interest rate on your loan a one point or 1% of the loan amount must be returned along with the application paperwork.
The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discrimination against applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age.
Full Name
Do you own or rent Own Rent Own Rent
Live with relatives Live with relatives
How long have you lived here
How much is your current housing expense
What type of mortgage?
Previous Address (If less than 2 yrs at current address)
Did you own or rent Own Rent Own Rent
Live with relatives Live with relatives
How long did you lived there
Social Security Number
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Sex Male Female Male Female
Years of schooling
Number of dependents
Ages of dependents
Marital Status Married Seperated Married Seperated
Unmarried Unmarried
Are you a U.S. citizen Yes No Yes No
If not,do you have a green card Yes No Yes No
Are you obligated to pay alimony or child support Yes No Yes No
The following information is requested by the Federal Government in order to monitor the lender's compliance with Equal Credit Opportunity, Fair Housing and Home Mortgage Disclosure Laws. The law provides that a lender may not discriminate on the basis of this information.
Race/National Origin American Indian or American Indian or Alaskan Native Alaskan Native Black, not of Hispanic origin Black, not of Hispanic origin Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Asian or Pacific Islander White, not of Hispanic origin White, not of Hispanic origin
Property Information
Address for property being refinanced
Below we request your estimate of value for your home. Please keep in mind that a licensed appraiser will be comparing your home to other local, similar homes that have sold in the last 6 months. If you overestimate the value of your home, your refinance may not meet your needs and your application fee could be wasted.
Estimated home value
Annual taxes
Annual Homeowners Insurance
Is the property single family duplex triplex
Will you use the property as primary residence vacation home investment
Is this property a condominium townhome fee simple home
Is there an association fee? Yes No If yes, How much monthly
Is there a mortgage on the property now? Yes No
What is the loan balance Current payment Current rateIs there a second mortgage or credit line on the property now? Yes No
What is the loan balance Current payment Current rateIs your primary mortgage Conventional FHA VA
Borrower's Employer Name & Address:
How long employed here:
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
Co-Borrower's Employer Name & Address:
How long employed here:
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
Borrower's Previous Employer Name & Address:
Dates employed here: to
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
Co-Borrower's Previous Employer Name & Address:
Dates employed here: to
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
Borrower's Second Employer Name & Address:
Dates employed here: to .
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
Co-Borrower's Second Employer Name & Address:
Dates employed here: to
Gross Monthly Salary: Self Employed
For this section, please only give approximate figures in each
account area. There is no need to give account numbers in which the
monies reside.
Amount Institution
Money Markets:
The following debt information is a critical aspect of this financial analysis. We will give you several general categories of possible revolving debt to fill in. These may not be all-inclusive, so please use the 'other' section to include your unique situation. Revolving debt is defined as any constant, monthly payments you make. (ie: car payments, home equity loan, school loans, credit cards...)
Type of Account Approx. Balance Monthly Payment
Combined Credit Cards:
Car Loan:
Car Loan:
School Loan:
School Loan:
Personal Loans:
1st Mortgage
2nd Mortgage
Have you ever been previously married?
If ,YES, is there any allimony/child support, and how much on a monthly basis?
How long will payments continue ?
If you own a second or third home please give the same info for them in
the space provided below:
If NO, are you a US Resident Alien?
How long do you think that you will own the home that you are refinancing? 0-5 years 10-15 years 5-10 years 15 or more years
What mortgage term do you prefer? 10 years15 years20 years30 years
How many points are you considering? NoneOneTwoThree
What loan program are you considering? Fixed 1 year arm FHA 3/1 year arm VA 5 or 7 year arm Buydown COFI adjustable 5 or 7 year balloon Other
How much of a loan are you requesting?
Would you like the costs of this refinance to be financed into the loan YES NO
Completing this information does not guarantee mortgage approval. this should not be considered an extension of credit. I/We hereby authorize SCOTT MILNE to obtain a credit report in my/our names, for mortgage application purposes only. The RESPA Act prohibits lenders from distributing credit reports to any third party. Please run my credit Do Not run my credit
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