Renegade Classifieds

*** Help Wanted ***

AD SALES - Part-time advertising salespeople needed for target marketed, quarterly Grand Rapids music publication. Paid on commission. Call Geoff at the RENEGADE -- (517) 332-7648.

WRITERS NEEDED to cover Grand Rapids' local music scene. No pay. Great perks. Interested? Call the RENEGADE at (517) 332-7648.

*** Personal ***

Julie and Hans:

Happy Anniversary! Let's see... 5 years is

"clear plastic," isn't it?


SEND A PERSONAL MESSAGE to someone special. A three-line ad costs just $10 (plus $2 for each additional line). With your purchase, the issue of the RENEGADE carrying your ad will be mailed to the person you want it to reach.

*** How to Place a Classified Ad ***

CLASSIFIED ADS are available under the following headings: Musicians Available, Musicians Wanted, Help Wanted, Work Wanted, For Sale, Wanted to Buy, Roommate Wanted, For Rent, Personal, Bands/Musicians -- Miscellaneous Info, and Miscellaneous.

TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD in the RENEGADE, send a copy of your ad, plus your name, address, and telephone number (for verification purposes) and payment to GEOFF WILBUR'S RENEGADE NEWSLETTER, 2843 East Grand River Ave., Suite 200, East Lansing, MI 48823. Make all checks payable to Geoff Wilbur.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES for the RENEGADE are $10 for the first 3 lines, $2 for each additional line. Length of one line = 42 characters, spaces, and punctuation marks. Words in ALL CAPS = 1.5 times their length.

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