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_____ I'd like to subscribe to BOTH INDUSTRY EDITIONS ____ years = $________ in the U.S.: $18 (1 year); $32 (2 yrs.); $45 (3 yrs.) in Canada/Mexico: $20 (1 yr.); $36 (2 yrs.); $51 (3 yrs.) outside North America: $22 (1 yr.); $40 (2 yrs.); $57 (3 yrs.) If you don't wish to subscribe to all three editions, you may order one or two editions separately below. _____ The Original "Industry Edition" ____ years = $________ in the U.S.: $10 (1 year); $18 (2 yrs.); $25 (3 yrs.) in Canada/Mexico: $11 (1 yr.); $20 (2 yrs.); $28 (3 yrs.) outside North America: $12 (1 yr.); $22 (2 yrs.); $31 (3 yrs.) _____ Country Music "Industry Edition" ____ years = $________ in the U.S.: $10 (1 year); $18 (2 yrs.); $25 (3 yrs.) in Canada/Mexico: $11 (1 yr.); $20 (2 yrs.); $28 (3 yrs.) outside North America: $12 (1 yr.); $22 (2 yrs.); $31 (3 yrs.) Total Amount Enclosed $_________ Name _______________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City ________________________ State __________ Zip _________
The Geoff Wilbur's Renegade Newsletter Printing Schedule: The original "Industry Edition" is printed in early February, May, August, and November. The "Country Music Industry Edition" is mailed in early spring, summer, fall and winter.
If you want a back issue of a print edition Geoff
Wilbur's Renegade Newsletter, please send an e-mail to
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