Guests in the romper room include: record companies, management companies, band members, media types, members of the Think-Tank and maybe even you.
Following is a list of the players, their Romper Room icon, and their hobbies. Their icon will always appear before they speak. If you forget who they are, just come here.
The icon has two parts. The top half is unique to the individual -- a personal identity. The bottom half represents their hobby, like a little record for a record company ... or a radio tower for ... no, you guess.
Clicking on the icon in the Romper Room will reveal a somewhat relevant surprise: a sight, a sound, a special trip. As far as anyone can tell, there are no two surprises that are exactly the same ... so go krazy clickin'. The other purpose of the links behind the icons is to give you background info. The link might help you see the big picture a little better using sights, text, sound or video.
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