aWebVisit - Least Followed

(from 07/May/2000:08:57:17 to 04/Jun/2000:11:39:42)
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The following 100 links are the least frequently followed links overall on your website. They account for 92.0 % of all link hits of this type, and represent 58.1 % of all links of this type.

From Page To Page
172 58 127 106 57 - Number of Links  
6.5 4.5 2.9 2.5 4.1 - Average Hits per Link  
1116 260 365 260 231 100.0 Total Hit Count  
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/index.html /orinfo.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /sched.html /store/equip.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/index.html /events.html
1 1 - - - 0.1 /orinfo.html /
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1 - 1 - - 0.1 /index.html /store/equip.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/videos.html /store/books.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/books.html /yoga.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/books.html /janbio.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/equip.html /janbio.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 / /store/order.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/index.html /janbio.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /coupon.html /store/index.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /yoga.html /index.html
1 - - - 1 0.1 /sched.html /robots.txt
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /index.html /events.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /sched.html /store/videos.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /index.html /certify.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /favicon.ico /sched.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/order.html /store/equip.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/index.html /store/favicon.ico
1 - - - 1 0.1 /index.html /favicon.ico
1 - - - 1 0.1 /orinfo.html /store/videos.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /orinfo.html /orinfo.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /events.html /store/videos.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /favicon.ico /coupon.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /favicon.ico /certify.html
1 - - - 1 0.1 /events.html /events.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/index.html /certify.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /coupon.html /index.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/videos.html /certify.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /janbio.html /favicon.ico
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /yoga.html /events.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/video.html /store/video.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/video.html /index.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/index.html /store/
1 1 - - - 0.1 /store/video.html /
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/equip.html /yoga.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /yoga.html /favicon.ico
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/equip.html /sched.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /events.html /janbio.html
1 - - - 1 0.1 /yoga.html /store/
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /janbio.html /store/order.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/order.html /janbio.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /janbio.html /index.html
1 1 - - - 0.1 /janbio.html /
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/video.html /store/videos.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/video.html /sched.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/order.html /store/video.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/index.html /store/order.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/videos.html /sched.html
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /store/books.html /events.html
1 - - 1 - 0.1 /store/order.html /
1 - 1 - - 0.1 /janbio.html /store/videos.html
1 - - - 1 0.1 /store/books.html /store/equip.html
2 1 - 1 - 0.2 /orinfo.html /yoga.html
2 1 1 - - 0.2 /store/videos.html /
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /events.html /yoga.html
2 1 - - 1 0.2 /janbio.html /coupon.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /events.html /
2 - 1 - 1 0.2 /certify.html /
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /events.html /certify.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /store/order.html /index.html
2 - - 2 - 0.2 /robots.txt /
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /store/video.html /yoga.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /store/videos.html /store/equip.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /orinfo.html /events.html
2 - 2 - - 0.2 /events.html /orinfo.html
2 - 2 - - 0.2 /store/index.html /coupon.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /store/books.html /store/order.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /coupon.html /janbio.html
2 1 1 - - 0.2 /store/videos.html /store/favicon.ico
2 - - - 2 0.2 / /index.html
2 - 2 - - 0.2 /favicon.ico /yoga.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /orinfo.html /janbio.html
2 1 - - 1 0.2 /store/equip.html /store/equip.html
2 - 1 1 - 0.2 /index.html /coupon.html
2 1 - - 1 0.2 /certify.html /index.html
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2 - - 2 - 0.2 /favicon.ico /store/index.html
2 - - 1 1 0.2 /coupon.html /coupon.html
2 - 2 - - 0.2 /robots.txt /coupon.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /index.html /yoga.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /store/index.html /store/books.html
3 1 1 - 1 0.3 /orinfo.html /certify.html
3 - 3 - - 0.3 /yoga.html /coupon.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /certify.html /janbio.html
3 - - 3 - 0.3 /index.html /orinfo.html
3 - - 3 - 0.3 /store/favicon.ico /favicon.ico
3 1 2 - - 0.3 /store/videos.html /coupon.html
3 - 1 2 - 0.3 /coupon.html /events.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /sched.html /index.html
3 - 1 2 - 0.3 /store/books.html /store/videos.html
3 - 1 2 - 0.3 /events.html /sched.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /certify.html /orinfo.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /store/index.html /store/index.html
3 1 1 - 1 0.3 /store/order.html /store/index.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.4 /certify.html /favicon.ico
4 - 2 2 - 0.4 /store/videos.html /yoga.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.4 /yoga.html /yoga.html
166 12 79 60 15 14.9 Current Hit Count  
1116 260 365 260 231 100.0 Total Hit Count  

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Created with aWebVisit 0.1.6 on Mon Jun 5 23:16:18 2000