The longest visit to this website (in total time spent) was made by host on 04/Apr/2000:14:45:15. It lasts for 00:13:06 and includes 5 page hits, with an average of 157.2 seconds per step.
Unusual status codes are marked in bold. As a reminder, here is their meaning : Status Description 200 Okay 404 Not Found Requests Step Time Status Page 0001 14:45:15 200 /listings.html 0002 14:47:40 200 /1198495.html 0003 14:48:25 200 /1221767.html 0004 14:52:44 200 /1222438.html 0005 14:55:42 200 /1183894.html 0006 14:58:21 200 /index.html