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Oak comes through

The VRML test is in the directory home/oak/vrml. Everything is in the same directory, doesn't matter where.
This is a test maze.
This in no way should reflect what a VRML sight will look like when I spend some time on it.

Grafix adds...

here is an attached zip file with 2 gif's of "The Labyrinth"
lab.gif is 640 x 480 - 167k
lab1.gif is 320 x 200 - 39k
These are just test gifs.

Ed. Note-Looks good

Capn asks...

Does anyone have any brain footage?
it could be video or animation...
Jim or Willie... could you animate this??

I would like to include some in a re-release of the video 'The Labyrinth'.
However, i do have the first release of it ready to go,and burned to rom.
It can go on the site as soon as horton allows access to the machines!!!!!

Oak asks...

I think the question in my mind was, is the opening page for the "multiheads",
or for the general public?

I mean, people who just show up to our sight out of curiosity, and want the "maximum effect".
They might not get it. (Granted you did make it a little obvious, but the first time I stopped in,
I got a little confused. I STILL don't get some parts. . . )

We hope he gets it soon....

Minutes from meeting:

1. wally will handle video web page mailbox. wally has login and password.
everyone.... !!!!!! please cc when mailing ALL MAIL

2. we downloaded the oak plugin, but had trouble settin' up his vrml
gig in the right directories on the web ( us...where wuz u??)

3. capn brought the world premiere 'labyrinth' video...
but horton couldn't fit it on his machine. boooo
we will load it on the cdrom of the server in the near future!!

4. we could get a web page up hyping the upcoming:
"WORLD PREMIERE VIDEO" (pg version) (hint, hint help and wally)
the 39meg avi file is coming to you from cdrom!!!!
better tie your modem down!!!!!! or download the r version

5. bobmay will get together with his wife and grafix
to help juice up the viewers/multimedia page with GRAPHICS
Capn will assist bob with html.

6. the vrml viewer is in: /home/help for those who can ftp-called 3dns16d.exe

7. oak...can we use a jpg instead of a bmp for the vrml page graphics??????

8. those who where in attendance where:
dj, help, wally, bobmay, bob, rob, john, and capn. (and sidd via telnet)

9. more phun to kum!!!

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