wild irish rose

wild irish rose was born in Philadelphia, PA. She is married and has one son born in 1996. Memberships: PETA, Amnesty International, and Greenpeace. Awards: Golden Poet, 1990, Editor's Choice, 1993. Her award winning poetry has been published eight times. They are listed in order of publication: Innervision, Nuke Nightmare, A Birthday Poem, Save Me, A Rare Man, Tender Heart, Sean, and Teacher. The November 2001 release of "Dynamic Designs" by the International Library of Photography features her first published work: "bewitching". As a vegetarian and environmentalist, her lifestyle reflects her respect for nature. "The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." William James

Wild Irish Rose


You fueled my budding imagination with parcels of books I devoured with delight.
Conveniently disappearing when dishes were to be done ensconced in a place out of sight.
I was only eight when you first touched my mind despite never entering your classes...
reaching across the miles to ignite a love of literature that never passes.
I learned love counts more than the opinions of others when you joined me in a carnival ride.
Created a spectacle; didn't bat an eye, your love of family came before your pride.
'76 brought my first independence when I stayed with you six weeks that summer.
As an over-indulged princess, I discovered doing my cooking and laundry a bummer.
Another lesson to add to my list, mastering tasks unaware I was capable of.
You taught me self-sufficiency that summer; I found the strength that comes with self love.
As newlyweds, you welcomed us into your home for a weekend that was elemental.
Sharing tea and conversation at dawn, you taught me to be non-judgmental.
The epitome of a woman ahead of her time, simultaneously gentle and strong.
You earned my highest esteem for the direction you gave me, as you never steered me wrong.
So many words flowing freely from me now, when we last spoke there were remarkably few.
Teacher, my grateful gift for life lessons learned is this rhyme of enduring love for you.

Dedicated in memory of my beloved aunt: Marjorie Marita Burke 12/28/1914 - 2/1/1999

Tender Heart

As a child I sat enraptured while you read one story after another.
My imagination had been captured by the most tenderhearted Grandmother.
A glass of water ready by your side for relief when your voice grew hoarse.
That was when you first became my guide to discover the wellspring of Love's source.
Through the years love for you grew with me. I cherish memories of all the days
you gave your love unconditionally- and made me feel special in countless ways.
From girl, to teen, through young womanhood
your wisdom has always had a part
in helping me to search for all that's good.
Both in the world and the human heart.
Dreaming now of the child I carry, hoping and praying as all mothers do...
With all my soul I'm wishing it will be inheriting the qualities of you!


I feel so blessed as he returns my gaze
and I recall my childless days-
and the emotion of dwindling hope
combined with the struggle to somehow cope
with the dark void filling that special part
that can only be felt in a mother's heart.
The first moment I beheld his sweet tenderness
dispelled the ache that was once emptiness.
No words expressed from dusk 'till dawn
could ever come near what I feel for Sean.

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Sean -- © 1996
Tender Heart -- © 1996
Teacher -- © 1999
All rights reserved. http://membrane.com/wildirishrose/

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