DEVMODL: A Y2k Model for Developing Countries

The Y2k Cinderella Project Secretariat is pleased to announce our latest madcap project.

On the assumption that is is easier to mobilise countries to declare war on each other rather than to get them to do anything about Y2k, it has been decided to create a theoretical Model for Y2k Remediation in Developing Countries.

Hopefully, this Project will develop to be much more than a theoretical Model, it will produce deliverables that will enable and assist such a process.

The name of the project is DEVMODL and a preliminary Web Page is at

The Primary concept is to establish a National Y2k Competence Centre, with branches in Regional Areas, to provide services and Government liaison to create an Awareness Campaign and Manage a National Risk Assessment.

A Primary assumption is that Developing Countries do not have vast amounts of money to throw at the Problem.

The actions (to date) of Developed Countries do not exactly provide a glowing testimonial for approaches to Y2k Remediation.

This raises some questions.

How should such a body operate? What services should be provided? How can such an enterprise be established quickly and expect to be effective?

These are precisely the questions that this project hopes to address.

The Y2k DEVMODL Project will produce a series of Essays and Articles on the Topic and will invite comment and suggestion.

The preliminary model looks like this: Click here for Draft of Model