Most Frequently Asked Questions about Pilates
and Alternative Fitness® Body IQ...?

What is Pilates?
Pilates is a yoga based exercise technique which has been around for 70 years. Joseph Pilates pioneered this technique by combining the best of eastern and western exercise. The method focueses on strengthening, stretching, and proper alignment while exercising. The results are more energy, greater range of motion and overall greater strength throughout your entire body. Classes can include floor exercises (called Mat Class) and Equipment exercises (there are about 9 standard pieces of equipment that Pilates invented for his clients use). There are over 500 exercises to learn betwenn the mat and Equipment. Classes at the Fitness Factory will include Mat, as well as classes on the Reformer (the most widely used Equipment).

What is Alternative Fitness Body IQ?
Alternative Fitness is a company founded by Janine Galati (located at 2016 Walnut Street in Center City Philadelphia) that has been awarded the "Best of Philly 1999" and "Best of Philly 2000" for mind-body fitness. Janine is an exercise Physiologist and has studied yoga, Pilates, therapeutic massage, and many other forms of mind-body exercise. Janine created Alternative Fitness to provide fitness training dedicated to the mind and the body. Over the past 15 years her hybrid style of mind-body training has evolved and produced results she calls "Body IO". Body IQ is all about building a smarter, stronger body. Injury prevention and care are a main mission, as well as finding new ways to cross train the mind and body to enhance performance and have fun. "Movement is thought in motion. Body IQ is a measure of how well you can put your thoughts into motion, physically, spiritually, and psychologically", says Galati.

Who Can Benefit from this Program?
EVERYONE! Classes are for anyone interested in performance enhancement. anyone who has injuries from exercise or from lack of it. Or, for anyone interested in learning new ways to care for their mind-body as well as for those burned out by ther rigors or traditional exercise. This program is great for cross-training or can be done exclusively to keep you fit and strong.

How Many Times Per Week Should You Participate?
As with most exercise forms, you must be doing this type of exercise at least 2-3 times per week to see its benefits. However, if one time per week is all you can do, then it will just take a little longer to see results.

What is a Mat Class?
Mat Class is a one hour class which includes exercise done on the floor with specific coaching from the instructor Classes are limited to 16 people so that you can get individual attention and feedback on form. A basic level mat class includes opening stretches from yoga and dance, to abdominal/core strengthening work form Pilates and closing exercises to help relax the mind. The focus of the class is strengthening, stretching, and bringing the mind and body into alignment. Participants usually leave feeling energized, lighter, and taller.

What is an Equipment Class?
Equipment classes at the Fitness Factory will be done using the Pilates Allegro Reformer. The Reformer will do wonders for your hips and thighs and educate you about your posture to help build a smarter, stronger, and more balanced body. Intensity of exercises vary based on experience; however, a basic equipment class will cover 10-11 exercises done rhythmically with an emphasis on breath and form.

How Can I Learn More?
The Alternative Fitness Body IQ Video Set is available for $39.95 at the front desk of the studio or by calling 1-877-9Pilates. The video is great to compliment your class work. THe first video presents the 6 Basic Alternative Fitness Principles which are presented in class. It is arranged in tutorials for learning. The second video has 3 floor exercise sequences plus one reformer workout.

When will I see Results?
Results are based on frequency and experience, however most people see and feel results in 10 sessions attending 2 times per week.

Alternative Health & Fitness Concepts ®
2300 Walnut Street, #201   ·   Philadelphia, PA 19103
1-877-9Pilates   ·   Phone 215-567-4969   ·   Fax 215-567-4881   ·

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