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Pe-La-TuS...? Pi – lates...? Pi - late-tees...? Pi-lah-tees...?
You are never going to believe what we found out at the
2nd Annual Pilates Convention in Miami this year...
First, some historical facts to bring you up to date...In October 2001, New York District Federal Court overturned the trademark
rights of Sean Gallagher and The Pilates Studio and The Pilates
Guild of New York as sole owners of the Pilates Trademark and
name. Pilates is now considered a generic term which refers
to a type of exercise which includes specific characteristics
which stem from the work of Joseph H. Pilates. Pilates
invented specific equipment and exercises for therapy and
exercise training and never trademarked his method or
equipment. He and his wife Clara lovingly shared their
life's work with all who showed interest.
For years Mr. Gallagher terrorized exercise studios who’s
focus was Pilates, claiming that he and his associates
were the original Pilates or "authentic Pilates." He
harassed, sued and made the lives of many of Pilates
practitioners a nightmare. Alternative Health & Fitness
was one of the studios on his hit list and we spent
thousands of dollars in legal fees fighting his bogus claims.
Since the freeing up of the Pilates name an organization
called the Pilates Method Alliance was created to help
unite the thousands of Pilates Practitioners world wide.
The second annual convention for the PMA (Pilates Method Alliance)
was held this year in Miami Beach.
Attendees to this annual convention included:
Ron Fletcher,82 yrs. (LA Pilates), Mary Bowen, 70 something
(North Hampton Mass Pilates), Kathy Grant, 80
something (NYU Pilates) and Lolita San Maguel
(Puerto Rico Pilates). What all these people have in common
is that they studied directly with Joseph and Clara Pilates.
Sadly, my teacher
Romana Krazanowska, 80 something, (NYC Pilates) was not
present due to the existing political problems from the
trademark lawsuit. She was missed by all of her students,
we wish her all the best and respect her decision.
Anyway...A surprise guest was the niece of Joseph Pilates,
Mary Pilates. Ms. Pilates, 84 yrs (Mid West Pilates), sat
atop the stage, poised and answering all kinds of questions
from eager attendees from around the world.
It was amazing to hear her accounts of the early days in Joe's
studio in NYC . Then some one asked the quintessential
question of the hour...How do you pronounce your last name?
In her very laid back, mid-western way she said, "Pi-lates or Pe-la-tus." The crowd of students roared with laughter
for about 5 minutes. While Mary Pilates sat not knowing what
to say. Then she began to laugh herself and she said..."I don’t care how you say it really..."
Well, for those of you not getting it. It is a historical
fact that the "P" word is always being mispronounced.
Instructors are always correcting clients in their pronunciation saying, "its Pi-lah-tees". Even newspaper articles make sure to
phonetically spell Pilates due to everyone saying, "how do you pronounce it...?"
So the joke is on us, Pi-La-tus Instructors...
Here’s to all those women and men who called my studio and I
corrected their pronunciation of Pilates. I stand
The 2nd annual Pilates convention was a success. Alternative
Health & Fitness is a sustaining member of PMA and we look
forward to becoming a source of support in their growth for the
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