Geoff Wilbur’s Renegade Newsletter prints two different Industry Editions. The Industry Edition covers all styles of music except country. The Country Music Industry Edition covers only country music.
My contact information is:
Name _______________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
City ________________________ State __________ Zip _________
E-Mail Address __________________________________________________ I would like to receive a copy of the text of my review via e-mail to the e-mail address provided on this form.(NOTE: Typically the e-mail will be sent out as the last step in the publishing process, so if you are getting your review by mail, it will almost certainly arrive before an e-mail would.)
_____ I would like to receive a photocopy of the page of Geoff Wilbur’s Renegade Newsletter that contains my review. I will include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Postage within the U.S. is 37 cents. Postage to Canada/Mexico is 60 cents. Postage overseas is 80 cents.
_____ I would like to receive a copy of the entire issue of Geoff Wilbur’s Renegade Newsletter that contains my review. I will include $2.50 if I am within the U.S. ($.2.75 if I’m in Canada/Mexico, $3.00 elsewhere); or I will include $2.00 and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Postage within the U.S. is 37 cents. Postage to Canada/Mexico is 60 cents. Postage overseas is 80 cents. I will make my check/money order payable to Geoff Wilbur.
Fill out this form and mail it, with a check or money order payable to Geoff Wilbur, to:
Remember to enclose a check or money order for the full amount due, PAYABLE TO: GEOFF WILBUR.
_____ I'd like to subscribe to BOTH
INDUSTRY EDITIONS ____ years = $________
in the U.S.: $18 (1 year); $32 (2
yrs.); $45 (3 yrs.)
in Canada/Mexico: $20 (1 yr.); $36
(2 yrs.); $51 (3 yrs.)
outside North America: $22 (1 yr.);
$40 (2 yrs.); $57 (3 yrs.)
If you don't wish to subscribe to all three editions, you may order one
or two
editions separately below.
_____ The Original "Industry Edition"
____ years = $________
in the U.S.: $10 (1 year);
$18 (2 yrs.); $25 (3 yrs.)
in Canada/Mexico: $11
(1 yr.); $20 (2 yrs.); $28 (3 yrs.)
outside North America:
$12 (1 yr.); $22 (2 yrs.); $31 (3 yrs.)
_____ Country Music "Industry Edition"
____ years = $________
in the U.S.: $10 (1 year);
$18 (2 yrs.); $25 (3 yrs.)
in Canada/Mexico: $11
(1 yr.); $20 (2 yrs.); $28 (3 yrs.)
outside North America:
$12 (1 yr.); $22 (2 yrs.); $31 (3 yrs.)
Total Amount Enclosed $_________
Geoff Wilbur's Renegade Newsletter
Printing Schedule: The original "Industry
Edition" is printed in early February, May, August, and November. The "Country
Music Industry Edition" is mailed in early spring, summer, fall and winter.
Thanks for your interest in Geoff Wilbur’s Renegade Newsletter.
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