aWebVisit - Longest Visit (in Hits)

(from 07/May/2000:10:02:00 to 04/Jun/2000:08:27:25)
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The longest visit to this website (in number of page hits) was made by host on 19/May/2000:23:31:16. It includes 53 page hits and lasts for 00:03:22, with an average of 3.9 seconds per step.

Unusual status codes are marked in bold.
As a reminder, here is their meaning :

Status	Description
200	Okay
206	Partial Content
304	Not modified
404	Not Found Requests

Step	Time		Status	Page
0001	23:31:16	200	//
0002	23:31:18	404	/robots.txt
0003	23:31:21	200	/
0004	23:31:25	200	/polyprob.htm
0005	23:31:29	200	/about.htm
0006	23:31:33	200	/newteam.htm
0007	23:31:37	200	/contact.htm
0008	23:31:41	200	/Index.html
0009	23:31:45	200	/compleme.htm
0010	23:31:49	200	/dendrim.htm
0011	23:31:53	200	/dotblot.htm
0012	23:31:58	200	/blothyb.htm
0013	23:32:02	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/polyprob.htm/map
0014	23:32:05	200	/polypro2.htm
0015	23:32:09	200	/bionilsen.htm
0016	23:32:13	200	/biovogelbacker.htm
0017	23:32:18	200	/biogetts.htm
0018	23:32:23	200	/biotian.htm
0019	23:32:27	200	/biokadushin.htm
0020	23:32:31	200	/biokikani.htm
0021	23:32:36	200	/biocarlucci.htm
0022	23:32:40	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/compleme.htm/map
0023	23:32:43	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/dendrim.htm/map
0024	23:32:47	200	/xrcc4.htm
0025	23:32:51	200	/32phiv42.htm
0026	23:32:55	200	/hiv520.htm
0027	23:32:59	200	/bm251.htm
0028	23:33:03	200	/b2m151.htm
0029	23:33:07	200	/fshr51.htm
0030	23:33:11	200	/fshr251.htm
0031	23:33:15	200	/dxrcc4jp.htm
0032	23:33:18	200	/dhiv422.htm
0033	23:33:22	200	/dhiv520.htm
0034	23:33:26	200	/db2m51jp.htm
0035	23:33:30	200	/db2m151.htm
0036	23:33:34	200	/dfshr51.htm
0037	23:33:38	200	/dfshr251.htm
0038	23:33:42	200	/bxrcc4jp.htm
0039	23:33:46	200	/bhiv422.htm
0040	23:33:49	200	/bhiv520.htm
0041	23:33:53	200	/bb2m51jp.htm
0042	23:33:57	200	/bb2m151.htm
0043	23:34:01	200	/bfshr51.htm
0044	23:34:06	200	/bfshr251.htm
0045	23:34:10	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/dotblot.htm/map
0046	23:34:13	200	/dotblot2.htm
0047	23:34:17	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/blothyb.htm/map
0048	23:34:20	200	/blothyb2.htm
0049	23:34:24	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/polypro2.htm/map
0050	23:34:28	200	/polypro3.htm
0051	23:34:31	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/dotblot2.htm/map
0052	23:34:34	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/blothyb2.htm/map
0053	23:34:38	404	/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/polypro3.htm/map

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Created with aWebVisit 0.1.6 on Mon Jun 5 23:33:27 2000