"Established in 1929"
609 East Baltimore Pike
P.O. Box 926, Media, PA 19063
Ph. · Fax 610.565.7603 TOLL FREE
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Welcome To:
Middletown Township, Delaware County, PA
P.O. Box 157
27 N. Pennell Rd.
Lima, PA 19037
610-565-2700, Fax: 610-566-3640
Historic Note
Settled in 1681, incorporated as township 1686, first known as Middle Township, Named because of its central or middle location in Chester County (later to be divided into Chester and Delaware Counties in 1789).
Quick Facts
Area- 13.43 square miles
Population- 12,463 (1980 census) 14,130 (1990 Census)
Shopping areas- Granite Run Mall, Elwyn Shopping Center, Lenni area, Lima area.
Distance to center city Philadelphia is 15 miles or 25 minutes
Public transportation is available by train, bus, and taxi
Middletown is 46% residential, 3% commercial, 8% industrial, and 20% open space, 14% institutional, 7%agricultural and 7% other.
Parks and recreation are available- Lenni Park, Indian Orchard Park, Indian Lane Athletic Field, Tyler Arboretum, Darlington Tract Trails, Linvill Tract Trails, Rocky Run Trail, Darlington Valley (Cornucopia) Trail, Millennium Trail at Memorial Park.
40 to 410 feet above sea level
Rose Tree-Media School District- 610-627-6000
School Closing Number- 542
Your Elected Officials - Federal & State
U.S. Senators
Arlen Specter (R) '04 215-597-7200
Rick Santorum (R) '06 215-864-6900
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District
PA House & Senate Representatives
9th Senatorial District
168th Legislative District
District Justice
District Court 32-2-48
27 S. Pennell Rd.
P.O. Box 93
Lima, PA 19037