"Established in 1929"
609 East Baltimore Pike
P.O. Box 926, Media, PA 19063
Ph. · Fax 610.565.7603 TOLL FREE
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Welcome To:
Upper Providence Township, Delaware County, PA
935 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
610-565-4944, Fax: 610-565-8924
Historic Note
Settled about 1683, incorporated as a township 1687.
Quick Facts
Area- 5.93 square miles
Population- 9,477 (1980 Census) 9,727 (1990 Census)
Distance to center city Philadelphia is 21 miles or 45 minutes
Public transportation is available by taxi
Upper Providence is 98% residential, 1% commercial, and 1% industrial
Parks and recreation are available- Martin Park, Cherry Street Field, Rose Tree Park,
Ridley Creek State Park, Weldon Street Tot Lot, Houtman Park, Ray Roche Park.
90 to 360 feet above sea level
Rose Tree-Media School District- 610-627-6000
School Closing Number- 542
Your Elected Officials - Federal & State
U.S. Senators:
Arlen Specter (R) '04 215-597-7200 Rick Santorum (R) '06 215-864-6900
U.S. House of Representatives:
7th Congressional District
PA House & Senate Representatives: 26th Senatorial District
168th Legislative District
District Justice
District Court 32-2-46
60 Old State Rd.
Media, PA 19063