"Established in 1929"
609 East Baltimore Pike
P.O. Box 926, Media, PA 19063
Ph. · Fax 610.565.7603 TOLL FREE
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Welcome To:
Nether Providence Township, Delaware County, PA
214 Sykes Lane
Wallingford, PA 19086
610-566-4516, Fax: 610-892-2980
Historic Note
Settled in 1686, incorporated as a township in 1687 from Providence Township. The name had
its origin with some of the early immigrants and was given as a manifestation of their
gratitude for their safe deliverance from the perils they had encountered in crossing the
Quick Facts
Area- 4.64 miles
Population- 12,730 (1980 Census) 13,229 (1990 Census)
Distance to center city Philadelphia is 15 miles or 40 minute
Public Transportation is available by train, bus, taxi, and trolley.
Nether Providence is 93% residential, 6% commercial, and 1% industrial.
Parks and recreation are available- Bullens Park, Hepford Park, Leiper Park, Sapovitz
Park, Smedley Park, Helen Kate Furness Library, Community Arts Center, Taylor Memorial
Arboretum, Pendle Hill, Woodrow Wilson Park.
10 to 300 feet above sea level
Wallingford Swarthmore School District 610-892-3499
School Closing Number- 460
Your Elected Officials - Federal & State
U.S. Senators: Arlen Specter (R) '04 215-597-7200
Rick Santorum (R) '00 215-864-6900
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District
PA House & Senate Representatives
9th Senatorial District
161st Legislative District
168th Legislative District
District Justice
District Court 32-1-28
349 W. Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063