Is it always someone else's problem?
If you don't do something about "it", who will?
We're gonna try... with this multimedia project.
Below you will
find some of the pieces that we are putting together in
an effort to raise consciousness. Our intention is to
conduct an experiment over the next coupla months
in which we combine the elements of impromptu
"man on the street" scenes (see below), a
spontaneous soundtrack,
and pertinent sorts-of stuph. Don't just be a
dronebee. Come join us...
join the fuss
The Man Over There - someone other than me.
And, we ain't talkin' 'bout the man over there. So, in this
particular Experiment (see Philadelphia Spirit Experiment under
"just do it links" below), we need a
new call to arms.
Please click here for
information on downloading music & video.
man on the street avi files
all under 1M
wav files 59k-113k or
as marked
For an 11M Song Download, Click Here
This is an an aural tribute by The Snake Handling Immortal Tongue
Speakers via their impromtu style, and the above human
just do it links
The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment
Amnesty International
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